Maintain a central registry of up to date membership data.
- Through "ad hoc" committees, have reunions at varied locations.
The new AWF Association lifetime membership fee is $50.00 (Fifty Dollars) The $50.00 fee is a one-time payment for new members. All previous memberships are now converted to lifetime memberships.
There will no longer be a fixed schedule for reunions ie; every two years as in the past. Reunions will be held when requested by a committee of volunteers hosting the event.
All positions within the association are non-salaried and held on a volunteer basis.
Direct expenses incurred in support of daily operations are to be paid for from the general fund. The general fund will provide “seed money” to the reunion organizing committee if required. Reunions are to be run on a self-supporting basis with any residual returning to the association. The association will not assume any liability for any reason from reunions that are held.
The website Bulletin Board and What's New pages are available to the membership to the membership. If you have notices of interest to the members, please submit it for inclusion on one of the pages.
It is proposed that the general fund be maintained in Winnipeg. Please make cheques payable to the "All Weather Fighter Association"
Print the Application Form then please mail it to us.